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7th Greater China MOOC Symposium
25-26 August 2021
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Connect and Collaborate at GCMS 2021

Challenges and Opportunities of Online Education under COVID-19
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Connect and Collaborate at GCMS 2021


It is our pleasure to announce the launch of the 7th Greater China MOOC Symposium: Challenges and Opportunities of Online Education under COVID-19 (GCMS 2021), which will take place online on 25-26 August 2021.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, CTLE of the University of Macau would like to invite you to join us in this cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary symposium, an opportunity to review, share and showcase the reactions, adaptations and innovations different practitioners in the Greater China region have put in place under COVID-19.

第七屆大中華區MOOC研討會(GCMS 2021)將於2021年8月25-26日於線上舉行,主題為〝新冠肺炎下在線教育的機遇與挑戰〞。澳門大學教與學優化中心作為是次代表組委會,誠邀您參加此次跨文化、跨學科的研討會。來自大中華地區的資深學者及專家們將在會上回顧、分享及展示他們在疫情下如何快速反應、靈活調整及創新教學。

In the past 15 months or so, teaching and learning in the higher education sector has experienced waves of unprecedented challenges brought about by the pandemic. All stakeholders have had to perform changes and adaptations of varying degrees.


In this online symposium, the keynotes and session presentations will cover a wide range of sub-themes and issues related to online education, such as pedagogical design, technology, policy, infrastructure and support, in the context of a global crisis of public health.


We extend a warm welcome to all interested parties to participate in the symposium. We believe that this symposium will provide an excellent opportunity to advance communication, collaboration and exchange among academics, researchers and practitioners. Please join us on 25-26 August for the 7th GCMS.


Register Now 現在註冊

About Greater China MOOC Symposia

GCMS aims to strengthen cooperation among cities in Greater China, to facilitate exchange on research and application of MOOC among scholars and practitioners in the region, and to promote teaching innovations in MOOC education. Since its first launch in 2014, GCMS has become a yearly event. Following six GCMSs successfully held in various cities, Jiayuguan, Tainan, Xi An, Hong Kong SAR, Beijing, Shanghai, this year’s GMCS has been confirmed to take place in Macau SAR.


  • Previous Greater China MOOC Symposia 歷屆大中華MOOC研討會主辦院方:

    • 2014 (1st GCMS), Lanzhou University, Jiayuguan 嘉峪關 蘭州大學
    • 2015 (2nd GCMS), Feng Chia University, Tainan 台南 逢甲大學
    • 2016 (3rd GCMS), Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 西安 西安交通大學
    • 2017 (4th GCMS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR 香港 香港中文大學
    • 2018 (5th GCMS), Tsinghua University, Beijing 北京 清華大學
    • 2019 (6th GCMS), Jiaotong University, Shanghai 上海 交通大學

Register for this online event before 8 August 2021.


About The University of Macau 關於澳門大學

The University of Macau (UM) is an international comprehensive university. Since her establishment in1981, UM has been dedicated to providing a multifaceted education through our educational model and residential college system and in accordance with the university motto: Humanity, Integrity, Propriety, Wisdom and Sincerity.

Web: www.um.edu.mo

The Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement is an established Academic support unit overseen by the vice rector of academic affairs. CTLE is charged with developing the quality of teaching and learning through offering specific programs for faculty growth and development.

Phone: (853) 8822-4583
E-mail: ctle@um.edu.mo
Web:     https://ctle.um.edu.mo

Photos and information on the UM campus can be found online at www.um.edu.mo/visitors and www.um.edu.mo/news/photos/campus-photos.

Latest News 最新動向


By |August 30th, 2021|

為進一步推動慕課的教育教學創新,澳門大學教與學優化中心與慕課平台學堂在線承辦“第七屆大中華區MOOC研討會”,吸引約150位來自北京、上海、西安以及粵港澳大灣區知名高校的專家學者參與,圍繞大會主題“新冠肺炎下在線教育的機遇與挑戰” 一連兩天透過線上會議進行學術對話和交流,線上直播累計近1800人次觀看。 澳大校長宋永華致開幕辭表示,在過去的15個多月以來,高等教育界在疫情衝擊下經歷了前所未有的挑戰;疫情下要維持教學同時確保一定的教學質量,各持份者都必須作出適度的調整。澳大以不同的創新教學方式應對學生在不同時期的學習需要,也在多層面提高教師的積極性和創造性。他指出,是次研討會為關注慕課教育發展的高校代表、專家學者提供了一個極佳的平台,向與會者分享在應對疫情上實行在線教學的智慧、創意與實踐。 在是次跨文化、跨學科的研討會上,與會高校的資深學者及專家回顧、分享及展示他們在疫情下如何快速反應、靈活調整及創新教學。會上,4位來自北京大學、香港中文大學、暨南大學及學堂在線的主講嘉賓以疫情下的教學為題,從不同方面分享了他們所屬單位的思考、策略和實踐方式。 在分組報告環節上,超過20位學者發表了主題演講,題目涵蓋線上教學、混合教學、教學設計、慕課構建、學習體驗等。另外,研討會更以“在線教育從COVID-19危機中的覺悟”為題進行線上討論,來自澳門不同高校代表探討在疫情期間從教室教學走向在線教學的不同挑戰,並交流各自在線教學的方式。 另外,研討會更以“在線教育從COVID-19危機中的覺悟”為題進行線上討論,來自澳門不同高校代表探討在疫情期間從教室教學走向在線教學的不同挑戰,並交流各自在線教學的方式。 還有澳大教師在混合式課程成果展上分享他們對製作教學影片、課程重構、教學活動設計等課題的心得和經驗。 [...]

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